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Picture 490...

Writer's picture: JaredJared


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Things have been interesting.

Nothing too outrageous.

The grandfather was in the hospital last week.

Noting serious.

False alarm.

All is well.

The Aunt is sick.




She's probably reading this, this message is for her.

I will say this, you should have gone to the doctor sooner.

I waited as well back when I had it.

I came in past the point of when they could have helped.

So I had to ride it out for two months.

At least they gave you meds, I didn't get any.



Moving on.

The photo job is going along fine.

I got paid for March and all I'll say is......


The business has been booming, but I didn't think it was that much!

I made the most I've ever made in a single month and we aren't even in the busiest time!

I'm happy.

Other than that, it's been pretty chill.

Photo time.

It’s time for the third VHS Project!

The first one was me getting the camera.

The second one was shot solely with the VHS camera.

And this one, it’s a mix of both.

I was thinking of what to do.

I’ve kind of already done all I could with the camera with the second project.

But then I had an idea.

Shot a photo… with the VHS.

Crazy, I know.

I kind of did that with the first project.

I put a VHS filter on a photo that I shot.

But this time, I didn’t want to cheat like that.

I wanted to make a photo, with the VHS camera.

That also sounds simple.

Premiere Pro has a still frame button.

You press it and it save an image of whatever is playing in the playback window.

I use it to get thumbnails for the videos.

And for this project, the VHS would have moments where it would freak out.

So I saved a bunch of nice VHS Glitches.

Look at them below!

For this project, all I would have to do is record a video of me in a spot and pull a still frame from that.

The downside is the image will be low resolution because that’s just how VHS is.

It’s not HD.

That’s where I wanted to spice things up.

I wanted to get a high res photo from VHS.

How would I do that?

The way the satellites do it!

Open up Google Maps and zoom in to an area.

You’ll see it load in image chunks.

The satellite takes several images and stitches them together.

They do the same thing for the space photos from the Hubble.

So that was the plan.

Zoom in with the camera into a spot where I would be.

I go and stand there.

Then I move the camera to the spaces around me and fill in the photo.

So the big photo is actually a bunch of little photos.

The last part was to figure out what the photo will be about.

I decided to tie it all in with the house photos that I’ve been doing.

I’ve been shooting photos of me in each area of my new home.

The only place I didn’t do was the living room.

I did shoot a photo in there when I first moved in.

This photo would be the one to corner that photo.

Going from having nothing in there to having a couch and whatnot.

Finally, after all this planning, I shot the photo.

A simple one of my sitting, enjoying the new house.

On the editing side, I found a program that’s stitches photos together.

All I had to do was grab the still frames and put them into the program.

There was a slight issue.

Half of my head got lost in the stitching process.

So I had to go into Photoshop, overlay the still image of me, and bring my head back.

Nothing too extreme.

I would compare some of the edits, but I didn’t do that much to the photo.

I wanted to preserve that VHS feel.


I started this video 2 years ago.

I got the idea from the project in the middle of the 2020 lockdown while I was making the Yellow Project.

There’s even a scene in this video of me out in the fields making the Yellow Project.

Another reason why I wanted to do another VHS project was that I found more VHS tapes.

I found another pouch in the bag for the camera that had two more tapes.

So I wanted to show what was on them like I did with the first tapes that I found.

I couldn’t show much these new tapes because they were family reunions involving the previous owner of the camera.

But there were some interesting moments that I could still show.

All the family stuff involved Christmas.

So I thought, why don’t I record my own Christmas stuff like how the family did.

That got me thinking about the whole “shooting a photo with the VHS” as well.

I was going to shoot a Christmas photo with the VHS camera.

But then…. I never did.

The time when I wanted to shoot the photo passed.

After that, I couldn’t think of any ideas of what the photo should be about.


I have this house and I was documenting me in all these spaces in the house.

After all this time, I was able to finish the VHS project and tie it into everything that’s been going on.


All this is covered in the video below...


I don’t know what’s next.

I have been on a trend of physical media recently with the Polaroids and the VHS.

I guess the next step would be film.

I have been shooting a few rolls of film during the last few projects.

So I guess that’ll be what’s next.

We can close out this long series of physical media where everything began.

I started good photos with film.

Now I can do it again with all the knowledge I gain over the past 6 years.

I’ll see you then!

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