I love building websites, both the easy way and the hard way. Let me explain what I mean.
The easy way is using a simple site builder. Most of my sites are made using Wix.
The hard way is to code the site yourself by digging through the HTML codes.
I've made websites using both these ways, so creating one is simple to me.
Below are a couple of websites that I have made over the years.
While in college, I took web design classes in between my photography classes. Above is the final project that we were assigned to one of the classes. We were given a random restaurant type in a random generic location and we had to create social media and a site it. My restaurant was a deli... in a cornfield.
My brother wanted to start an online ministry. He wanted to spread the word of the Lord in many different ways, so he needed a site that could house all of that.
I built a site where you could get to his podcast, videos, and blog.
In my portfolio, you'll see I do some video work for a local racing group. They recently asked me to make create a site that shows events, my videos, and more.
This used to be my blog, before I moved it over to this site. It gives you a taste of things I do outside of Wix. A lot of the features on there I coded myself and if you dig around deep enough, you'll find the other sites I'm made across the interwebs.