Hello, you might be asking.... why does he keep posting about all the updates he does to this website? Well... it's what I used to do. My original site started like this...

It was a simple site that I coded mostly myself. As time went on, it slowly evolved into this...

Be careful loading those sites with those two links. I used A LOT of experimental codes that aren't supported anymore. A lot of the things still work, but your internet browser will yell at you and say the site isn't safe.
ANYWAYS, the two photos might look somewhat the same, but there were a lot of changes behind the scenes. If you notice, the last post on that site was a site update. Site Version 33. With each update I did to the site, I cataloged it as a version and typed up a detailed list of the changes. I even created a site that has all the update notes archived.

I still really love the menu on that site. It's a simple stack menu that STICKS TO THE TOP OF THE SITE WHEN YOU SCROLL PAST IT. It didn't do that at first, but I modded the code so that it would. Of course, this was before I had this site with it's floating menu.
I'm rambling on. You get the point. I like documenting things. And I also like going back and seeing what I documented. Like a time machine!
Time to move on to what this update is about. It's mostly just little updates here and there. I updated the contact panel. My email address wasn't a clickable link. I thought it was when I set the contact panel up. Now you can click on my email and it'll open whatever email service you use to compose an email. Or, you can just fill out the convenient forum boxes that are on the contact panel. Click the CONTACT button in the menu and take a look.
Speaking of adding links, on the videos page there wasn't a link to my channel! Like a simple CLICK HERE to see my channel at the top of the page. So, I added that.
SPEAKING OF THE VIDEO PAGE and well... the other pages as well... I updated the URLs to the various pages of this site. In the menu, you see that they all start with THE. Well, the URLs had THE in them as well. The videos page was ".com/the-videos". I thought it would be more logical to remove the... the. For example, I wanted to get to the video page for something. I opened a new tab and noticed it didn't auto-fill. So I guess I don't have it bookmarked. Anyways, I had to type the URL manually and I typed it ".com/videos". Nothing happened. I was like... "That doesn't make sense." If I wanted to get it any page on my site by typing, it needs to be simple. Videos? ".com/videos". About page? ".com/about". Actually, the about page already had its URL like that. So, the the is gone. The titles of the pages still have THE, but the links to the pages have no the. EXCEPT, for the blog. It has two pages. ".com/blog" will lead you ALL the posts I've done, ".com/the-blog" leads you to a page that just has official blog posts excluding these site updates.
SPEAKING... OF!!! THE ABOUT PAGE!!! Segues everywhere! Redesigned the about page. I changed the photo and moved the words around to go over the photo. There's also a secret if you click the photo! It's nothing big, it just goes to the blog post about that photo.
Lastly, secret stuff. Wix is constantly updating and adding new things. They recently started pushing into custom coding. We still can't edit the raw code of the site, but they are adding ways of adding your own custom elements by uploading .JS files that you can load onto the site. A LOT of the feature on the old sites use those types of files. So, I'm testing things out. Wix uses their own proprietary code script, so it's like learning a new language. But slowing piecing together how things work. So, maybe in the future I can go even crazier on this site and add my own elements that I've whipped up. Ever Christmas, I add this code to my sites. It adds Christmas lights that are pinned to the top and bottom of the screen and also loads in a button. When you click the button, snowflakes will start slowly falling down the screen. Here's a video I made showing it off...
So maybe in the future, I'll figure out how to code things that work on Wix and I'll start really having fun!
That's all I've got for this update. I'll let you know when I get something working. The good thing about this site is that I can experiment with things and not have the changes go live. With the old sites, any change I did was instantly live. So if something broke... that wasn't good. I'd have to revert back and fix it. At least things are easier now and I won't destroy the site when I mess with something.