Well, look who showed up.
Don’t you have something to say to me!!!?!?!?
Fine, I’ll remind you of what you need to say.
“Happy Birthday”
It’s me b-day.
I’m so thrilled…………
Can’t you tell…..?
Oh joy, such fun.
I’m slowly getting closer to the dreaded 30.
I see it.
Rushing towards me like a train.
Will I let the train hit me or board it willingly?
Only time will tell.
That’s what’s been on my mind.
The future.
What’s going to happen!!?!
It’s that very question that my boss is asking me.
He wants to have a discussion with me about… the future.
He was doing that kind of stuff before he switched over to running a photo company.
Talking with guys like me, setting goals for them, and making their future right.
So, that’s what we are about to do!
I’m just about to head out the door.
I’ll let you know how it goes…..
I’m back.
I had to think.
We talked about a lot of things.
Unfortunately, it was the same discussion we’ve had many times.
I tell him the plan, he asked when I’m going to do what I have planned, I say I don’t know.
It’s been the same convo for the past two years now.
I’m stuck in the cycle of the everyday.
I get up, work, come home, go to bed.
Sometimes I remember to eat.
Once you get stuck in that cycle, life becomes boring.
Nothing exciting is happening.
There’s nothing new.
It’s just the same.
It’s all the same.
That’s where I’m at.
There’s a lot of things I want to do, but I don’t have the motivation to do it.
Or I’m too scary…. Or straight-up lazy.
It’s a mix of all of those.
I need something to change, but I don’t have the push to change.
Maybe I should live with my Aunt.
She’ll hold me at gunpoint again, which is how she got me to go to college.
The boss thinks I should move out, away from here.
But not too far.
I can see why he said that.
Most of our photographers are here, in town.
He wants more people up north and to the east.
That’s why he wants me to move away.
He didn’t say that, but I see his plan.
He thinks I should get away from my family.
We’ve had this issue before.
Usually around Thanksgiving and Christmas, I help my grandparents get ready for the family shindigs.
Last year he said he “expects people to make their job their priority.’
He said that because I was taking a bunch of time off to help the family get ready for the holidays.
I just remind him that, it’s my family.
I do what I want, with my family.
So, when he suggested I should move out of town because I need to get away from the family, I said no.
Didn’t even think about it.
Plus, all the photoshoots… ARE AROUND HERE.
When I was at the Aunt’s house for four months, I got giddily squat!
So, no.
I’m staying here.
I might go on the north side of town because I’ve been driving up that way a lot recently.
Maybe slightly more as well.
The Aunt and I were looking at places.
She’s making me do things.
We were looking at places to live, thinking about taking me to a tax expert to fix my taxes.
We planned a lot when I was there before she left for four months.
I need to stay with her and put these plans into motion.
She’s reading this.
She’ll probably say something later tonight.
I’m rambling.
It was a good discussion that we had.
I need to make a road map of what I want to do.
Properly plan things out.

I had two photoshoots the day before my birthday.
There was a three-hour gap between the shoots.
The first place was empty, with no one there.
So, that is where I decided to start things.
I took my time at the house, thinking.
Which is what I was doing in the photo!
I didn’t have time to shoot a normal photo in normal clothes.
I’ve been so busy recently I don’t have time for anything.
So, this was the only chance that I had to make a photo.
So, I did.
It’s simple.
Me, looking out into the future.
Thinking about where I’m going in the company and in my personal goals.
The editing of the photo wasn’t that complicated.
A few tweaks here and there.
Hover your mouse (the computer one :-P) over the original picture to see the after editing one.
If you're on a touchscreen device, just tap on the picture. You may have to tap more than once.
I was going to have all this posted yesterday.
But the boss and I didn’t have out chat until 9PM.
So, I didn’t have time to finish the video and type this post.
I didn’t want to do it anyways.
I wanted to reflect more.
So, that’s why it’s the next day.
The video covered my birthday and the day before.
Starting at that house and ending with me being tired at 11PM on my birthday.
It’s a simple video to go with the simple photo on a simple day.
You can CLICK HERE to see the video or watch it below.
This birthday was calm and a little more reflective than usual.
I’m questioning a lot of things about myself.
Why haven’t I started my plan?
So on, so forth.
Maybe something will change.
The Aunt is going to read things and grab her gun!
She doesn’t actually have a gun and she wouldn’t do that.
But it did feel that way when she made me go to college!
And I did.
Well, I’m going to go.
I mentioned the two projects that I’m working on in the video.
There’s the Yellow Project and the iPad Project.
Those will get done…..eventually.