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Picture 498...

Writer's picture: JaredJared




Oh, another three months.

Sorry about that.

I’ve just been busy with other things.

The world continues, it waits for no one.

Things got a little complicated with this project and the one after this.

It caused things to get pushed back.

We were in the process of selling my grandparent’s house.

There were some issues, and it took longer than expected.

In order to get it ready to sell, we had to clean it out.

While doing that, I remembered an old project that I started 6 years ago.

You see, this isn’t the first time we cleaned this house out.


We knew something was going on in the house.

It got to the point where they wouldn’t let us in the house.

At the time, we didn’t know why.

One day back in 2015, I was mowing their yard and decided to sneak inside with a camera.

AS YOU CAN SEE, the place wasn’t looking good.

This was also when they decided to add a new sunroom to the house.

People were noticing things, we needed to know how bad it was.


We didn’t do anything until two years later.

My grandmother decided to fall down the basement steps and break her neck.

They didn’t even tell us it happened until three days later when she was getting out of the hospital.

She still needed some care, and we realized the house wasn’t suitable in its current state.

My mom and aunt decided that we needed to clean out the house in case something else happens again.

So, the grandparents stayed at my Aunt’s place while we cleaned it out.

We started in February and didn’t get done until September.

During that time, I was documenting the process.

Mostly with photos.

I went through and documented how it was.

Then, we would clean for a day, and I would shoot some after pics, so we’d have a nice comparison.

Side note, this photo was shot a year after we cleaned it out.

The grandfather was already collecting more fancy glassware.

Anyways, I still did shoot some random videos here and there, but it was a stressful time for everyone.

I didn’t want to show too much.

But at the same time, I did.

I knew at some point I was going to be sharing all this.

I even teased what was going on in one of my college projects.

This was something that needed to be shared.

I just didn’t know when.

Well, that time is now.


The photo.

I actually shot this photo in 2019.

After the college project that I did, I thought of this photo idea.

One day while the grandparents were gone, I snuck in and made it.

I used my computer to overlay the photo I made for that project with what the camera was seeing.

That allowed me to get the camera in the same spot, which would make the photo blending much easier.

The last step was to put it all together, which was something I never did.

Like I said, I didn’t know when this project was going to be seen.

So, I just left everything as is back in 2019 and moved on.

Then in 2021 after moving into my own home, had the urge to look at this project again.

The grandfather wasn’t doing that great.

I remember a comment I made in 2017 while cleaning the house.

We were getting towards the end, and I was thinking about what to do with everything.

I said in a video “I’d probably just wait until they're dead before I share anything.”

Well, one of them was dying.

It was time.

So, I looked at the photo and started editing it a little bit.

Mostly got myself lined up and placed into the old photo.

Things were quite right, but it was a good stopping point.

It was a waiting game after that.

While waiting for the inevitable, a plan was made.

Once he was gone, the grandmother would go into a nursing home, and we’d have to sell the house.

That was when I would finish everything, when the house sold, and we were truly done.

All this took another year and a half.

But now, it’s done.

The house is no longer ours after 30+ years.

The end of an era.

Now that I have the job that I have, I’ve noticed that the events in this project happen more often than you think.

As in… all the time.

A family member died and the rest of them are trying to get a house cleaned out and sold.

It is the most common story that I hear.

A month ago, I was at a house.

I was done with the photos, so I was turning off all the lights.

I look out the window and see a car in the driveway.

They were helping this old lady out of the car.

It was the sister of the person who owned the house.

She wanted to see it one last time.

I actually stayed a little bit and chatted with one of the family members.

I shared what we had to do, she shared what they had to do.

There was a connection there.

That’s why I’m sharing this project.

It took me two months to finally finish everything.

There was a lot more content than I thought.

6 hours unedited.


There were another 5 hours that I shot.

Us getting the house sold.

We had to clean it out AGAIN, but now it was their personal things.

Family took what they wanted, and the rest went to auctions.

A whole bunch of stuff.

So, here’s the plan.

Two parts.

Part one is the main video that involves the photo and us cleaning things the first time.

Basically, what this project was going to originally be.

The video did still end up being a bit long.

It goes all over the place.

We’d clean, I’d goof around and shoot random videos, then they would find something destroyed from their childhood so it would get serious again, so on.

Occasionally, I pop in while editing the video to comment on certain parts.

Also, side note.

While looking through all this, I noticed there were a lot of jump-scare moments.

I left them in just to keep you on your toes.

I should make a special version without them, BUT I DON’T FEEL LIKE IT.

You can watch the video below...

Part two will be everything that happened after what you just saw.

Trying to get the house sold, so on.

Part two won’t have a photo.

It’ll just be its own video that I’ll upload soon.

I haven’t finished editing it.

I’ll add it to this post once it’s done.

9/12/23 EDIT


I finally got it done.

Finally, after six years, this story is complete.

What’s next?!?!?

Well, you might have noticed we are getting close to photo 500.

I have something planned for that, however, there’s an issue.

Another reason why this took three months to post is because I LOVE PHOTO 497!

It’s the reason why I was fine with taking my time with 498.

I wouldn’t mind if it stayed up forever.

Photo 498 however, is a bit weird.

So, I wanted the next project done and ready to go so I could move on quickly, which would be 499 and 500.

A two-part event.

Don’t get me wrong, I adore 498 with its concept and the story behind it.

It’s just a bit too extreme.

I like to keep the simple like 497.

Anyways, the issue with 499 and 500 is that… I don’t want to do them.

Not it’ll be a tough video shoot and I’m lazy, it’s just one part.

It’ll introduce a new blue guy to the squad.

There’s something odd about this blue guy, he’s…..something.

I realized that SOMETHING is something that I guess I don’t want to share… yet.

Then what’s the point of the new guy!?!?


You see, there’s a dilemma here.

A dilemma I haven’t solved.


This new guy is in the second part of the new series which is photo 500.

That means, I could still do photo 499 which would set up 500.

But then it’ll still take me 332974 years to do 500.

I might end up getting stuck at 499.


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