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Writer's picture: JaredJared



How long has it been?

What… happened?

What’s been happening?

Many things, that’s what.

Things I haven’t talked about.

I’ve been busy with other projects.

We saw the eclipse.

Speaking of the eclipse, I did remember to do a spooky photo this year.

Ooooohhhhh, spooky.


Before that was Christmas.

And before that was dealing with the grandparent’s house.

There were a lot of other things happening during all this.

 A lot of not-so-good stuff.

That is why the photo looks like this…

As you can see, it’s a bit dark and moody.

Because that’s how things have been.

That’s why I vanished for five months.

I’ve been busy with work.

And when I wasn’t working, I was just sitting at home in the dark.

Doing nothing.

At the time, I didn’t know why.

I just didn’t want to do anything.

I lost track of time.

Weeks went by, then months.

It took a while, but I started to feel like something wasn’t right.

There’s a reason for all this.

I felt a little spark.

I had the urge to do something.

A photo, maybe?

Of what?

At that moment, the idea for the photo popped into my head.

If sitting in the dark is what I’ve been doing, then that’s what I’m going to show.

A simple close-up photo of me in the darkness.

But it couldn’t be completely dark.

So, I thought have having a streak of light across my face.

Could it be a glimpse of hope?

Or is the light slowing closing?


I didn’t have any bright lights, so I decided to use the sun.

BUT! All the windows in my house don’t face the sun.

BUT! I know a house that does!

I ventured over the The Aunt’s house on a nice Sunday after and got the photo done in 30 minutes.

After five months of nothing, I finally have something.

The only thing I didn’t think about was my expression.

I always think about the composition and not about what I’m doing in it.

I just did what I felt and ended up with this brooding look.

Am I mad?





All I know is that I have something.


It’s there.

There was still a little more editing to do.

I had black and white in mind.

High contrast, almost blown-out highlights, little bit of bloom.

To achieve this, the photo has three layers.

One is just the photo black and white.

Next is a layer with the photo overexposed with some noise tossed in there.

Lastly, there’s a layer of high-contrast detail.

That way I can pull more detail out of the overexposed part.

All that was left was messing with the opacity of each layer.

Is that too much bloom?

Do I want to bring in more of my face?

It’s all a balance.

Eventually, I got to how it looked in my head.

It’s always I good feeling with that happens.

You think of something and bring it to life exactly how you thought it would look.


Next is the video.

Remember, I said earlier that I didn’t know why I was feeling so moody.

Well, I was reminded why.

This is why I do the videos.

I document my thoughts and feelings, and they usually influence whatever photo I’m working on.

I can look at a photo and remember how I was feeling.

Then I can watch the video and see those feelings.

They go hand and hand.

So, I started editing the video for this photo and came to a startling realization.

There is a whole year’s worth of things that I haven’t dealt with.

Like I said, I’ve been focusing on other things.

No time to reflect on what was happening.

That’s also the point of the videos.

I get my thoughts out and reflect on them.

I haven’t done that in a year.

Editing this video gave me a chance to do that.

I was able to look back, process, and move on.

First, there was my grandmother passing away.

It kind of just happened and I didn’t think much of it.

Like with my grandfather, we knew it was going to happen.

However, there was something that was upsetting me when I looked back.

That was the last grandparent.

Kids always look forward to going to the grandparent’s house.

I always did.

But those days are gone now.

Second, I almost lost my house.

I go into detail in the video.

Long story short, my mortgage got sold to a different company, I wasn’t informed, autopayments stopped, house was foreclosed.


But, after three months of hassle, we got that settled.

Third, the neighbor died.

That doesn’t seem like a big deal, but it was.

We talked all the time.

I had to help her with tech support a few times.

Her family gave me some things from her house.

An air fryer, dehydrator, so on.

Random things.

Now her house is sold and being flipped as I type this.

Fourth was one of my friends dying.

We spent the first elementary grades at the same school.

He left, and eventually, I got kicked out.

We ended up and the same school again.

We had lunch every day.

That was tough.

Fifth, there was a whole ordeal with The Aunt, whose house I invaded for this photo.

I’m not going to get into it here.

Sixth and lastly, the dog.

This goober right here…


I didn’t show him much in the video because he was a mess.

Falling apart.

Eventually, he couldn’t walk, so we decided it was time.

As you can see, there has been death… everywhere.

Darkness… everywhere.

I got lost for a bit, which caused me to forget things.

Like making a birthday photo or celebrating 16 years of making these photos.

It is what it is, I guess.

I’m here now.


The video covers everything talked about in this post.

All the events over the course of a year.

That’s it.

Now all this is out of my system.

I’ve reflected, processed, and moved on.

Next is probably Christmas.

I’ll see you then.

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