Howdy! This site started off as one of my last assignments to do in a portfolio class that I took in my final days of college. It was just going to be a thing I had to make and I was going to abandon it when I was done. Well, it turns out I like it too much to let it go.
I used to have an old website that housed everything that I did. Once I got into college, I started taking web design classes. I started making professional work! I realized that my old site wasn't the best it could be. Things were too complicated and the codes used were beyond complex that slowed down its load time. I coded mostly everything you see on that old site. Playing with Javascript and CSS codes and making things work. I still love it in that aspect, it was truly something I built. However, it's not going to fly in this day and age. It looks like something from 2003 with its simple text and animations. Plus while I was in college, I took my focus off of it. It became outdated. Not visually, that was already achieved, but content-wise. I focused more on my photography and social media than my site that was the hub for all of that.
So, I think it's time for something new! It's time to turn this place into the new main website. I've already gone through and changed some things. There're been a visual change, but nothing too extreme. The site used to be a blinding white, now I've embraced the darkness and turned on night mode. I've reshuffled them menu above and added new pages. There's a new page that holds all my videos from my Youtube channel. I'm still not forgetting about the original purpose of this site, which was to market myself. So, I added a new page to my portfolio for web design. As you can tell I really love web design and over the years I've made various websites. There's now a page for those. While I was messing around with my portfolio, I compressed some things. My college work and my portfolio work used to be separate, now they are one. A lot of people never show the stuff they did in college. It was when there were learning and they always see ways they could improve using the experience they have now. I embrace that stuff. I like looking back and seeing what I've done and how I've gotten better, plus I really like some of the projects that I did.
The biggest new thing is the home page. Before the site just opened to my portfolio. While looking at my old site, my favorite page was the home page. It was a list of everything that I was doing across all my websites. If there was a new photo posted, a new video, a random update, a new blog post, or anything else I did, you'd see it there. It's the one thing this site didn't have. So... I added it! The old site was built using Blogger. The pages on there weren't actually pages, but blog posts that I constantly updated. Blogger has a main home page that lists all your posts. So, whenever there was something new, I'd just create a post staying there's something new. The post would show up on the home page as a new update. Well, it turns out Wix, which is what I used for this site, can do the same thing! So I added a simple home page right now. Right now, it just shows what I’m doing across the interwebs. I want to add more, but I’m not sure on what to add. I’ll experiment with a few things and see what works.
Speaking of adding new things, the last thing that isn’t on here is my blog. Wix has a built-in blog feature that I’m starting to use for the home page. So naturally, the next step would be to move my blog over to here as well. That’s not an easy task. I love my blog. Like the old main site, I coded most of the features on there. There many ways to compare the before and after versions of the photos that I make. Those features will have to work on here in order for me to truly commit. Wix lets you add custom codes, but only certain ones. It’s not 100% HTML customizable. I haven’t really tested it to see how far I can push it. Hopefully with a little tinkering, I’ll be able to do all the things I do in my Blogger blog post in my Wix blog posts. Does that make sense?
Anyways, my work isn’t done yet. There are still things to do. I’ll keep you updated as things are added and changed.