Well howdy! How y'all doin'? It’s a new year so it’s time for a new update. There weren't too many changes. Just little improvements. FYI, I had this post typed up months ago and I never published it.
The biggest thing is the Christmas lights. Too bad you can see those anymore. I did plan for the update to come out sooner, but I procrastinated typing this post. ANYWAY, the lights weren't that special. Here's a screenshot....

Wonderful. The special part was on the inside. I'm slowly learning the back end code for Wix sites. They use their own code language and it's confusing. The lights were a test. I used some Wix code to have two versions of the lights. I wanted the desktop version of the lights to stick to the top of the window like the menu, and on mobile I wanted them to pinned to the top of the site, not the screen. That way they scroll away and not block the screen. That an issue with Wix, you can only have it one way. What's on the desktop site has to be on the mobile site. You can't have mobile-only features..... SO I THOUGHT. I figured out a way to have one only for mobile and one only for desktop. I WIN! But then I took them off because Christmas is over... DEAL WITH IT.
The next big thing is a little change. The logo! I changed it from saying Web Design to Videography. I just felt it would be more appropriate.
The next thing is another test. I added fullscreen buttons to the social media columns. Why? Don’t know. Just seeing what I can do.
I expanded my portfolio. I still embrace my college projects. Most people hide theirs. So, I added a new college video section. I made some cool projects during that time and I want them to get some love.
I added more photos to the store. Also, the store added jigsaw puzzles! FUN!!
And lastly, I went around making sure things were still working. Fixed a few typos on the resumé, then I went through the site pages and made sure they all looked good.
That's it. Just simple little improvements. There's not really much I could do. I do want to overcomplicate things like I did with the old website. Sometimes simple is better.