How are things?
It’s only been…
checks calendar
Five months…
Ok, I didn’t it’s been that long.
I did post some photos here and there, just not on here.
There was the birthday photo…

And then there was a spooky Halloween photo.

That’s about it.
It’s getting towards the end of the year, so I’ve been reflecting.
I was doing good for the first half of the year, but then I vanished.
And the last few photos I’ve posted have been a bit, moody.
Let’s just say things haven’t been so cheery for me.
And usually, when this happens, I don’t make anything.
I’m not in the mood to do anything.
I go out, do my job, get home, go back to bed.
No lights on in the house.
Nothing but darkness.
Yeah, it’s been that moody.
I’ve been stuck like that for a while, as you can tell.
For five months.
I was thinking it was because of my grandmother.
She’s gone now and that means I no longer have any grandparents.
But that was in November, I’ve been gone since July.
So that might not be the case, but it might be the case now.
I don’t know.
It could also be because of photo 500.
We’re almost there!
But I hit a bump in the road.
First off, 499 was supposed to be a different photo.
499 and 500 were going to be a two-part video thing.
I got part one done, and it was only two minutes long.
So, I decided I wasn’t going to do two parts.
It’ll just be one video.
Like I mentioned in the last post… I think?
I don’t remember.
I mentioned that I was having issues with photo 500.
I didn’t want to do it.
It’s a personal video.
Like… a bit too personal.
I’ve been spending the past five months debating on if it’s something I should share.
Stuck in a yes no yes no yes no loop.
All these things have built up over time.
Creating a wall that I’ve been stuck behind.
I was in such a rough spot that I didn’t even celebrate 15 years of these photos.
I always do a yearly photo for that, and 15 years is a big deal.
That’s a long time!
The problem was that the plan was to have 500 be the 15 years photo.
And since I wasn’t ready to do that photo, nothing happened.
I wasted the moment.
Thus, things continued to get worse.
But you know what…
I think I’m ready now.
I'd say it’s time to knock the wall down.
The first step was to make this photo.
It got me back into the loop of making something, along with the video.
Side note, I have been working on some videos.
Whenever a storm goes through the area, I always go out and watch it.
I record the whole thing and upload it as a Storm Video.
I stopped at 2019 storms.
Well, I have 2020 and I’m halfway through 2021.
Storm videos are more complex to edit since I use 5 different cameras all the time.
But like I said, it’s getting me back into working on things.
Now for the next step, the only way to stop worrying about photo 500 is to just do it.
Get it over with.
Get it out there.
Let the world see.
Nothing to worry about if it’s done.
It’ll be for next year though.
A good way to start the year, maybe?
Photo shoots have slowed down, so I’ll have time.
It’ll be done.
Don’t worry.

It’s Christmas.
Since Picture 499 was no longer a part of the Photo 500 project, I needed to do something else.
I planned this out a month ago but didn’t think of any cool photo ideas.
I was still in the rough spot, a little bit.
Then I suddenly realized it was the 20th.
Hmmm… Well then.
I guess 499 is going to be the Christmas photo.
But what kind of Christmas photo?
There isn’t any snow, so I can’t do that.
I remember the one I did last year and decided to go that route.
Picture 497 is what I’ve been doing for the past five months.
Sulking in the darkness.
So, let’s do that again, but like last year’s Christmas photo.
Then I remembered Picture 468 and thought that would be perfect.
A mirrored photo, me just sitting in the bed, red and green, and so on.
It’s simple, easy to Photoshop.
The key part was to not move to much was changing outfits.
That way I would line up better when I mirror it.
I think it turned out nicely!
I didn’t really make any other adjustments to the photo.
Like saturation and other final touches.
All I did was piece it together and said, “That’ll do”.
It was fine the way it was.
Plus, if you set the camera correctly, you shouldn’t have to do any post edits.
At least that’s how I’ve been trying to do things.
If you get it all right in camera from the start, you won’t have any problems later.
Onto the video.
The video is simple and straightforward, like the photo.
I explain where I’ve been and get right into the photo.
That’s it.
Thanks for reading my rambles.
It’s been a rough few months.
There’s a lot more I could talk about, but I’ll cut things off now.
Hopefully, I won’t disappear for five months again.
I shouldn’t, now that I’m back in the mood of making things.
Winter does put a damper on things.
That also didn’t help the situation.
I’m not a fan of winter, so I’m grumpy.
But I’ll get over it.
I’ll see y’all again at some point!
Merry Christmas.